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Raid the North Series Championship
Team - Hike a Bike
Raid the North - Elliot Lake
Raid the North - Tremblant
In Transition
Raid the North - Bark Lake
Just Hangin' Around
Raid the North - Bark Lake
Foggy Low Ropes
Raid the North - Tremblant
Hill Side
Raid the North Series Championship
Team Crazy Train Paddling to Finish Line
Raid the North - Elliot Lake
Planning Their Route
Raid the North - Revelstoke
Race Briefing
Raid the North Series Championship
Devil's Rock
Raid the North - Elliot Lake
Raid the North - Revelstoke
AR Feet
Raid the North - Revelstoke
Team Air Force Won
Raid the North - Bark Lake
Team Spirit
Raid the North - Digby
Half the battle is getting to the water
Raid the North - Digby
Zip Line
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