Whitewater sections are another adrenaline rush part of our courses.
Although not typically very long they can include up to Class IV
whitewater. There are three basic formats we use for whitewater
depending on the water levels and difficulty of the river so that
certifications of whitewater skill are not required. For lower water
levels and less technical whitewater we use two-person duckies (whitewater
inflatable kayaks) which have the durability of a raft but the mobility
of a kayak. They offer the most control to the competitor. For medium
volume and less technical rivers we use four-person (11' foot) rafts.
They have more stability than a ducky but teams still maintain control
as they guide the raft themselves. Finally, for high water or very
technical rivers we will use slightly larger rafts with a qualified
river guide for each team. The thrills are high but the control
is minimal.
Safety is paramount on any whitewater section. We use a team of
river guides and Swift Water Rescue Technicians both on shore and
in spotter boats to ensure our readiness to deal with whatever situation
may arise.